Cryptic May 07, 2023 Answers
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Cryptic Crossword No. 1,732 by Hoskins posted on Sunday, May 07, 2023
Across Clues
- Relative laughter and wit mostly confused
- Belt everyone gets in Mississippi shopping centres
- A man with first sign of mould-induced cough
- American kills posh people without right ultimately
- Out-of-control rabbit mauled a horologer
- Connoisseurs swallowing large lies
- Nurse goes off to collect old implants
- Fruit of month not entirely firm, having touch of tenderness
- Information gathered by a vacuous city bureau
- Doctor cries out to green holidaymaker
- British express disapproval about gaffe
- Indian Melody Maker paper article
- Support city welcoming Republican movement a swimmer might start?
- Awfully old idea Met man’s run by men?
Down Clues
- Obedient duke you almost argue with close to Malibu lake
- Parasite infecting American military groups
- Unusual bush elm makes appear small?
- Poem primarily evoking country life of good utopian existence?
- Underwriter certain to be taken on by hip head of recruitment
- Odious bunch around a house eating seconds
- Footballer dropping head could make folk tearful!
- Soldiers in new airlift will get access to blaze in Oz?
- A conservative assertion gets much praise
- Nightspot with live band at last hit with staff?
- Type of engine in Ford model Triumph briefly advanced
- Craftsperson is prejudiced, having dismissed Penny
- Republican gets roasted about being corrupt
- Pop hit from America covering Queen