Cryptic May 10, 2023 Answers
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Cryptic Crossword No. 11,412 by Hippogryph posted on Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Across Clues
- Quietly long to pursue a new sense of style
- International appearance by Bale, in trouble with qualification, …
- … time and again losing head from temper
- Manually produce floating structure after a couple of taps?
- O’Neill’s put pickled item on the menu?
- A little sleep at home then cocaine? This could have a galvanising effect!
- Flower displayed by people supporting F1 Ferrari?
- Expansion following recent cycling feature in middle of the paper
- Unsteady, regularly absent and had taken drugs
- Reordered arsenic bottles, tea and sweetener
- Senile and has confused language
- Alaskan ice traps river crustaceans
- Regulars annually knocked back quick drink
- In poor shape in Germany and with badly worn clothing
Down Clues
- Chasing drug smuggling ring, the French move at a leisurely pace
- Two insects head off swimming
- Ruler’s graduation perhaps brings age into focus
- Note the empty, regressive system of values
- Winner is a cheat, getting nothing right under detailed questioning
- Agreement is in the bag we’re told
- City institute faces rising trouble with leading supporters
- Attractive and authentic, in gingham trousers?
- Possible cause of downfall of crazy family
- Instruments from Spain turned up in Paris, ten at Sacré-Cœur?
- Prepares for the theatre with wine bottles emptied during drink
- Trainee heads east, close to perfect place for surfing?
- Promise of partnership after politician displays desire
- Missing Columbia’s capital, cyclone devastated the old country
- Unblocked net
- Picked up instruction for starters and ingredient for pudding