Cryptic December 10, 2023 Answers
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Cryptic Crossword No. 1,763 by Lark posted on Sunday, December 10, 2023
Across Clues
- The Spanish president almost backing fine for consumption
- Junction stops vehicle following gangster alongside Arizona prison
- More soldiers and frontiersmen violently besieging church
- Sound of allergic reaction from one half of train
- Sinner’s rude tale about king
- The woman’s a goddess
- Second Conservative elected to infiltrate socialists withdraws
- Most tragic perhaps, Dominic Cummings’ virtuous parts
- Play down the odd letters going missing in French city
- Stick firmly to petition to keep every girl’s clothing child-friendly
- Building hotel by river
- Old-fashioned, as Murdoch is?
- Lay weapon before leader
- Lower-class ruffian retreats, having stolen my French gown
Down Clues
- Soused duke forced to give up whiskey
- Caravan getting an upgrade for the first time – enjoy the trip!
- Symbol of love very touching, in retrospect
- A Catholic afterlife without hot or fun places
- Criticisms about Platonism being misinterpreted
- Almost all of cricket team getting Home Counties contract
- Keys to auditorium passages
- In favour of Chinese native swallowing American government’s political broadcast?
- Sit with old man suffering problem with vision
- Eagle possibly dropping one across street in part of Germany
- As hill next to point and line on map
- Plumb arcane quarters of the lower region
- And this, according to Virgil, is a rule to live by
- Find oneself before a king’s magistrate